Saturday, August 30, 2008

Thanks to Ingrid and Mike

Thanks to Ingrid and Mike for sending us snacks and rescuing us along the road. Here's some pics from their all too brief time with us:

wow!! a tree!

More recent photos below...

Pictures from Oregon (featuring Katy and Garrett!!)

I tried carrying my pack on my head for a few miles. Not bad, but not great.

at Olallie Lake

Katy brought me this HUGE burger

Glaciers over the river with boulders on top

Our fear faces: Gerald, Katy, Michelle

Katy and Michelle looking like rebels without a cause

this was beautiful

Our intimidation faces: Gerry, Michelle, and Garrett

Burned and unburned forest

Michelle scrambles up Pilot Rock

Climbing up to the summit

Mr. Toad

at Crater Lake

Some more pics of Northern California

We've past the 2000 mile mark and find ourselves at the Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood (apparently the second most climbed mountain in the world behind Mt. Fuji). Here are some more pictures from Northern California:

The entrance to Subway Cave, an underground lava tube.

Michelle at the base of tremendous Burney Falls. Much of the water seeps directly from the cliffside.

Crawling out of another potential bat roost. Notice the sign points towards Carter. I finally discovered a colony of Little Brown Bats in an outhouse.

!!! The largest rice krispy treat ever!!! (at Seiad Valley)

Michelle explores a geyser at Lassen Volcanic Nat'l Park.

Monkeying around on a tire swing at the Heitmann's, the local trail angel

Monday, August 11, 2008

Oregon at last

So happy to be here! The days before the border were thick with smoke from all the NoCal forest fires. Despite being hard on the lungs and eyes though, it made for surreal views and eerie, vibrant sunsets. We joked that as soon as we reached the Oregon border, the sky would clear and the angels would lift their voices in song. Pretty much what happened. Ashland has been a wonderful place to spend a couple of days while Mr. Bat writes applications. I went to a "power" yoga class tonight. Felt so good, I walked home (did I just call a motel "home?") floating a few inches off the ground. Also fantastic is the feeling of walking blocks and blocks with heavy grocery bags. It's grounding, so practical, and you are forced to walk slow, watch and think, shift the weight from hand to hand, carrying it in your arms instead of on your back. I'm a little jealous of all the women in their light dresses, living summertime. But I do love these clothes I've worn for the past three months. They're perfect for now.

love to everyone,

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

From Etna

I've really been enjoying the natural history of the Pacific Coast. Here are some really cool plants we've met and gotten to know since getting on the trail:

Manzanita - This red-barked chapparral shrub is seemingly everywhere. I finally know what Gary Snyder was talking about in that poem.

Weeping spruce - We sent days searching for this elusive and beautiful tree in the Klamath Mts, where it is endemic. It's apparently one of the rarest trees in N. America. The tree looks like it's draped and decorated with green scarves.

Mountain hemlock - This tree doesn't look very much like it's Eastern cousin, and doesn't seem to live in same kinds of shady moist spots.

Snow plant - Just look at the picture in the link. So cool.

Ok- running out of time, and realized this is futile: there are way too many awesome plants we've learned. And animals: Belding's ground squirrels, mule deer, marmots, and on and on.... A few days ago, I found my first bat colony. Myotis something or other. Lovely little beauties...

Happy Happy Birthday to Kay!!!!


Friday, August 1, 2008

Oh sweet goodness fruit smoothies are so delicious. We're in Mt. Shasta City now, only 150-ish short miles from the Oregon border. Sure, it's only 50 on the road, but we're taking the scenic route -- the trail kind of curves around to the west, then back up and east, in a C-shape, just to stretch out the California section a little bit longer I guess. I'm really looking forward to Oregon and revisiting those family reunion haunts, Timberline lodge and Crater Lake. And we get to see Garrett and Uncle Ekim as well. The last section was full of logging, poison oak, and hunger, but we also got to see cool waterfalls and Mt Shasta is lovely. Someday maybe I'll come back and climb to the top. Snowy volcanos always call out to me with siren songs. Happy Birthday to my mom (8/6)! I hope everyone is having a wonderful time.

Thanks alos to Gossamer Gear for freely loaning us a tarptent while they repair ours. Great customer service!! and a great tent as well. --Gerry