Monday, May 26, 2008

Blissful cool weather

Yes, this blog is a bit bland without photos. We are working on that though. Hopefully, we will have photos posted around the end of this month.

Things have been blissful lately. Weather has been cool, at some points cold even. Two days after heat exhaustion in the desert valley, we found ourselves in a snowstorm! After a night of freezing temps in the San Bernardino Mts, we hiked back down into desert/chaparral and to some hot springs (!!) right on the trail. One morning, we had to actually build a makeshift bridge across Deep Creek; the stream was living up to its name that day due to all the rain and snow. The ford was maybe 15-20 feet. We had to carry and pile huge logs across. During the construction, I managed to fall in at one point after a log turned over. It was truly deep; I never touched the bottom.

I've worn out my shoes and I'm switching into a new pair today (New Balance 811). At Palm Springs, Michelle switched into her most comfortable pair yet (also New Balance). Overall, we feel good and are in great spirits!!

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