Friday, September 5, 2008

Hello from Washington

Coming down from Mt. Hood with the corresponding change in pressure, my right ear became plugged up, and hasn't completely recovered yet after a couple of days, some serous otitis media apparently. Michelle was feeling a bit sick recently, but now seems to be feeling better. I think it must be a combination of visiting Portland, a city with lots of people (and hence germs), and having trail-conditioned (i.e. weak) immune systems. The very cold rainy days in Oregon couldn't have helped either. Luckily, we have new warm clothes and have some goodies arriving soon in the mail, including neoprene socks and overmitts.

Big thanks to fellow PCT hiker Vanity Fair for taking us to resupply, letting us stay at her home, and generally being a second mom to us. Also a big thanks to the Weinheimers for taking us into their home and stuffing our bellies with pizza. We are glad we ran into Mrs. Weinheimer while she was walking her dog.

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